Thursday, September 12, 2013

Youth Group Meeting starts September 18, 2013

Youth Group is starting!

It just seems like yesterday when we started summer break.  But here we are... September already.  We are having a parent/youth member meeting on September 18 at 6pm in the Church hall.  This will be an opportunity for everyone to gather and discuss the plans for the youth group for this year.

The youth group is now open to 6th graders -12th graders.  We are very excited to have the opportunity to invite the 6th graders this year.  We have several retreats that will be a great opportunity for them to discover their faith.

Weekly question.... What have you done with God this week?  How have you made your relationship closer to God?

God Bless and see you on Wednesday September 18.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Youth Group Canceled April 17

Youth Group is canceled for this evening due to the weather.  Be safe and take the extra time to spend some time in prayer.  We pray for all those that were hurt in the Boston Marathon bombing, pray for those that lost their lives and pray for those that are effected by today's storms.  God bless you all!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

We Shall Come Together as God's People

In April 15, 2013, we realized yet another tragedy in our country during the Boston Marathon.  So we must pray for all of those that perished, for those that are injured and for those that showed compassion and helped all of those in need.  For the first time in my memory, the news media focused on the amount of people that were displaying acts of kindness.  People, that instead of running away, ran into the area to help others.  If you have ever wondered about the presence of God, every news station captured Him.  He was in the runner that went straight to the hospital to give blood.  He was in the marathon volunteers that aided the injured.  He was in the medical staff that just poured out the tent to help. He was in the store owners that allowed people to find shelter.  He was in the spectators that just wanted to help.

So I challenge the youth.  We must not let God sit in our shadows.  We must make him part of everything in our lives.  The way we treat others.  The way we act.  The way we pray. The way we help others.  More importantly the way that we show thanksgiving to God by participating in Mass.  Let us all be example of what God wants us to be.

May God bless us all.


Monday, February 18, 2013

I Will Follow

Destination Jesus 2013 - I WILL FOLLOW

On February 15- 18 we embarked for what was going to be a weekend of retreat.  Before we even headed for the Carmel area we heard grumblings of why the youth had to give up their cell phones.  We even overheard words like "I can't believe that we have to go to this thing!" Hearing these words would of made the average youth group leaders drop their heads and say "How am I going to teach them about their faith if they are not willing to listen and be a part of it."  But since we are experienced youth leaders we just stood there and smiled and said "Just wait and see."

When we arrived, we all were lead into a gymnasium with over 900 youth.  We also had lots of questions like, "What are we supposed to do?" and "When are we going to eat?" and "Why are we here."  The group signed the banner, grabbed their t-shirts and found a seat in the bleachers.  At this point my heart was so happy I wanted to scream "We are here!!!".  We heard music, we danced and we listened to the words of Deacon Ralph that inspired us.  We spent time with Jesus in adoration. When we broke out into our small group sessions at the end of the night I heard the words I wanted to hear.  "This is not what I expected.  This is actually fun."  Imagine that!  Learning more about our faith was actually FUN! All I could say was, "If you loved today....just wait, tomorrow is so much better."

Saturday - This day was one that I always have trouble finding the words to describe.  Mostly because for everyone the experience was different.  For some it was like going home.  For others it was a time that you finally let your guard down and actually let our Lord in.  For some it was so beautiful that the only expression was tears.  During the day we realized that FEAR was our biggest enemy.  Fear makes us sin and do what is not right.  Fear also tears us apart from our relationship with God.  We also had to release our anger.  Anger only separates us from our Lord.  But when we release our anger, face our fears and conquer them then and only then we experienced true LOVE.

You see, that if we truly want to experience God's love we need to not be afraid.  We should be willing to shout his name where ever we are.  God sent his son out of love for us.  Jesus suffered for us because of the love he had for us.  Putting God first in our lives is we experience true love and true peace.  We should follow him.

Here is the challenge.  You see, it was very easy to be a good example of our faith when we were within the four walls of the school.  All of our outside distractions were removed and we truly spent time with our God.  But already today, I have seen ways in which the devil has tried to easily come back into our lives. We need to focus on God's love and consistently grow your relationship with God with prayer, meditating, helping others, going to confession and partaking in the sacrament of the Eucharist.  So the challenge is this... Ask yourself and others "What did you do with Jesus today?"  Be honest, because if you have done nothing with Jesus you have let the devil win.  Fight for our faith, turn to our God and FOLLOW HIM.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Soup and Salad Bar - NEED HELP

Time moves very fast

On February 6, 2013 at 6:00pm we would like to have a 15 minute meeting with the youth group members and the parents to discuss the detail of the soup and salad bar.  We were suppsed to have the event this weekend, but because of the crazy schedule we lost track of time.  The event has been reschedule to Feb. 24.  This is a major fundraiser for the youth group and we have been very blessed by the support of our parish.  We look forward to having this event.  See you tonight.

God Bless 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!  May you and your family have a very blessed 2013.

Youth Group Meetings
We are going with the practice that if there is no CCD on Sunday we will not have youth group that Wednesday.  With this is mind.  January 9 there will NOT be a youth group meeting.  We will meet again on January 16 at 6pm - 7:30pm.  Bring a frozen pizza and a bottle of pop.  Watch the blog and use your judgement on the weather.  Please do not chance driving to youth group if the conditions are not safe.

March for Life - There is six people attending the March for Life in DC on January 25.  Please keep them and the whole group attending in your prayers.  Pray that they make a difference and that once day we will celebrate that all life will be protected. 

Field Trip!! January 19 - the confirmation class and any interested youth group members will be going to the Cathedral in Lafayette.  We will be leaving church at 11:45am.  We will be getting a tour of the Cathedral, saying the rosary, then attending Mass, after Mass the group will go out for dinner.

Destination Jesus Form and $75 are due.  Anyone that has not turned in the Destination Jesus form must get it in ASAP.  Please turn it into Robyn, Dave, Judy or Heather.

And Remember God is good...All the time!