Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Meeting this Week 12/16/2009
This week we will be decorating the church and then having pizza afterwards.
The Parent's Afternoon Out was a success. The leaders realize areas that we can improve on next year to make it event more fun.
Don't forget about the Live Nativity we are in need of empty gallon jugs. BE THERE BY 4:30 PM!! We are counting on everyone attending this one. Parents, we need your help too. This will be a fun event if everyone works together.
I also need to know who is going to the Life March in DC. Failure to let me know by December 23 may result in you not going. The cost will be $60 per person. You will also be responsible for food during the trip.
Due to the cold and the leaders needing a much needed break, we will be taking the month of January off. We will meet again February 3, 2010. We need volunteers to get soup donated for the Soup and Salad Bar Luncheon.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
We are busy... busy... busy. Remember your commitments!
As the Christmas season approaches the youth group is preparing for many events.
December 12 - Parents afternoon out - the youth group must be at the hall by 12:30pm to set up. Many have volunteered and we need every one's support and help. The afternoon should wrap up at 4:45pm. However, we have given the option to go to mass.
December 16 - The youth group will be assisting setting up the Christmas decorations in church. After we have accomplished this we are going to have pizza. Bring a snack if you would like.
December 23 - Live Nativity 5-8pm - the group must be at church by 4:30pm. Once again we have had many of the members volunteer. It is vital for the event that everyone attend. We can use every one's help. Dress warm. There is going to be cookies and hot chocolate available for the volunteers.
January 1, 2009 - Holy Day of Obligation. - GO TO CHURCH!
December 30 and January 6 there will be no youth group.
As the Christmas season approaches the youth group is preparing for many events.
December 12 - Parents afternoon out - the youth group must be at the hall by 12:30pm to set up. Many have volunteered and we need every one's support and help. The afternoon should wrap up at 4:45pm. However, we have given the option to go to mass.
December 16 - The youth group will be assisting setting up the Christmas decorations in church. After we have accomplished this we are going to have pizza. Bring a snack if you would like.
December 23 - Live Nativity 5-8pm - the group must be at church by 4:30pm. Once again we have had many of the members volunteer. It is vital for the event that everyone attend. We can use every one's help. Dress warm. There is going to be cookies and hot chocolate available for the volunteers.
January 1, 2009 - Holy Day of Obligation. - GO TO CHURCH!
December 30 and January 6 there will be no youth group.
Monday, November 9, 2009
I wish I could make it better.
This past weekend we realized a tragedy in our community. A sixth grader's life was cut short by an accident. An accident that many of us are going to replay in our heads over and over again. Even saying things like, "What if that was my son or daughter?" "What could I have done to change the situation?" "What if....?" As a parent, my heart breaks for the family most of all. The pain that they have in their hearts is so deep that we must all show them our support and be there for the family and pray. My heart weeps when I see all of the friends and classmates just trying to understand. For them, we must listen and be there for them and pray. My heart aches for the drivers. For them, we must help them realize that this was a terrible accident. We must pray and be there for them too. Just know that with time, God's love and your faith you will get through this.
But in Leah Harper's death we must make a positive impact. We must use this event and make changes in our own lives. Because of Leah, I took extra time to be with my children. The time I usually spent cleaning my house, watching TV or just relaxing on the couch. I held them longer and maybe even told them 100 extra times how much I loved them. I realized what is really important. We prayed more than we have ever prayed. We showed compassion to strangers. We listened. We changed.
For that, I owe tremendous gratitude to our new angel Leah. Thank you for reminding me that our time here is precious. Thank you for making me realize the gifts that God has given me. Rest in peace Leah, may God's perpetual light shine upon you.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Place to go, people to see, things to do
October 30 - Meet at Luke's Restaurant at 5:00pm . Join the group for pizza and just all around fun. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAIGE!!!!
October 31 - Harvest Fest - be there at 1:30 to help make signs. The event is 3-5pm.
Next meeting - November 4 at 6:30
November 7 - Movie Night after 5:00pm mass. It is a potluck style movie with a Charlie and Chocolate Factory theme. Watch for the golden ticket and bring a dish to share.
Please continue to pray for those on our prayer list. God Bless.
October 30 - Meet at Luke's Restaurant at 5:00pm . Join the group for pizza and just all around fun. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAIGE!!!!
October 31 - Harvest Fest - be there at 1:30 to help make signs. The event is 3-5pm.
Next meeting - November 4 at 6:30
November 7 - Movie Night after 5:00pm mass. It is a potluck style movie with a Charlie and Chocolate Factory theme. Watch for the golden ticket and bring a dish to share.
Please continue to pray for those on our prayer list. God Bless.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
We hit the ground running!
Our first official meeting of the year was a very successful one. Meetings will be every Wednesday at 6:30 pm. Welcome to our newest member Marissa, Micheal, and Hanna. We kicked off the year by attending the evening daily mass. During the meeting we discussed several events and outing that the youth group will be participating. Here is what we have so far...
We are looking into an event for October 30. Possibly mini golf at 6pm at Cedar Creek Family Golf Center. 18 holes of min golf with glow in the dark balls. With a stop off for Pizza.
October 31 - 3pm - 5pm we are having a Harvest Fest for the kids. We will be inviting the public to come and play games. Kids can dress in costumes. Jessica is chairing this event. We will need the youth group to be at the hall by 1:30 to set up.
November 7 - Is movie night in the church hall after the 5pm mass. This is open to the whole church. We will be watching a moving on Father's huge movie screen. Bring a dish to share. This is a potluck dinner.
December - We will be hosting a parents afternoon out. This is an opportunity for parents to drop off the kids at the church so that they can take the afternoon to go shopping or prepare for the upcoming Christmas season. The children will be watching a movie, doing craft and learning about the Christmas story.
January - the Youth Group will be attending the March for Life rally in DC. This is an overnight event. Detail will be made available see Heather for details.
Friday, September 25, 2009
It is the right thing to do
We had our first "unofficial" meeting of the 2009-2010 school year. Unofficial because we sat around and discuss things to do, places to go and people to help and tried to set a schedule. While discussing our up and coming events I found out something that was quite shocking.
You see, I planned the Great America trip thinking it is our fall break and it would work out perfect given the fact that most people have school. Then I found out that it is Fright Fest at Great America and the hours for this day is 5pm - 11pm. Which meant that we would get home after 1:00am. A little disappointing but still thought it was a possibility. Then the bomb hit! I always thought that Fright Fest meant that Great America would decorate the park, change the names of the rides to be more fitting to the theme. But it is so much more than that. I have heard that the night is mass chaos with way too many people and the employees and patrons walk around scaring the "bageebees" out of people. A compelte transformation from what it would be like during the day. The 6 hours that we would be there would be nothing but very long lines, lots of screaming people and way too many people actually running through the park. So I sought the advice of my family. When my sister-in-law says it is bad, it is bad. That is where as a youth group, we have to draw the line. We have to do what is right.
So once again we are having to delay this event until June 12, 2010. If I had a stone tablet I would carve that date now. I feel terrible because I promised everyone that we could go this year but due to many circumstances beyond my control it just is not possible. Please be understanding and know that we are trying to plan another fun filled event for the October 30.
God Bless.
We had our first "unofficial" meeting of the 2009-2010 school year. Unofficial because we sat around and discuss things to do, places to go and people to help and tried to set a schedule. While discussing our up and coming events I found out something that was quite shocking.
You see, I planned the Great America trip thinking it is our fall break and it would work out perfect given the fact that most people have school. Then I found out that it is Fright Fest at Great America and the hours for this day is 5pm - 11pm. Which meant that we would get home after 1:00am. A little disappointing but still thought it was a possibility. Then the bomb hit! I always thought that Fright Fest meant that Great America would decorate the park, change the names of the rides to be more fitting to the theme. But it is so much more than that. I have heard that the night is mass chaos with way too many people and the employees and patrons walk around scaring the "bageebees" out of people. A compelte transformation from what it would be like during the day. The 6 hours that we would be there would be nothing but very long lines, lots of screaming people and way too many people actually running through the park. So I sought the advice of my family. When my sister-in-law says it is bad, it is bad. That is where as a youth group, we have to draw the line. We have to do what is right.
So once again we are having to delay this event until June 12, 2010. If I had a stone tablet I would carve that date now. I feel terrible because I promised everyone that we could go this year but due to many circumstances beyond my control it just is not possible. Please be understanding and know that we are trying to plan another fun filled event for the October 30.
God Bless.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sandhill Crane Festival - September 19, 2009
We have been asked once again to sell pop at the Sandhill Crane Festival. This event helped us raise money for the group last year. Please let us know if you can help throughout the day. We can schedule time for everyone so that we work in shifts. Please contact Heather, Judy, Luz or Andrew if you can help out.
We have been asked once again to sell pop at the Sandhill Crane Festival. This event helped us raise money for the group last year. Please let us know if you can help throughout the day. We can schedule time for everyone so that we work in shifts. Please contact Heather, Judy, Luz or Andrew if you can help out.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Summer is almost over!!!!
The summer is coming to an end. The school bells soon will be ringing. I have enjoyed my summer for the most part but feel that it went by way to fast. Hopefully everyone had a wonderful summer.
Great America
We will be going to Great America on October 30. Sorry for the long delay but with everything that had happened over the summer this seems to be the best time. By then my knee should be up to the 10 miles of walking. I need to know who all can go and who will be driving. Family is invited to come along but will have to pay for their tickets. All current and active youth group members who have participated in our fundraisers will have their ticket paid for. Please call Heather/Judy/Luz or Andrew with the number of people to attend. We need to know this by October 16th so that we can order tickets and see if we have enough drivers. More details to follow.
Youth group meetings will start up again September 23. They will start at 6:00pm and go until 8:00pm. Anyone 7-12 grade is invited to attend. Get an information sheet from Heather. We are preparing for another great year. If you have any suggestions on events or workshops just let me know.
In September CCD starts again. Make sure to get the most out of these classes. If you have already made your confirmation you can offer to help out with classes or even teach. We do not spend enough of out time with God. This would be a great opportunity.
The summer is coming to an end. The school bells soon will be ringing. I have enjoyed my summer for the most part but feel that it went by way to fast. Hopefully everyone had a wonderful summer.
Great America
We will be going to Great America on October 30. Sorry for the long delay but with everything that had happened over the summer this seems to be the best time. By then my knee should be up to the 10 miles of walking. I need to know who all can go and who will be driving. Family is invited to come along but will have to pay for their tickets. All current and active youth group members who have participated in our fundraisers will have their ticket paid for. Please call Heather/Judy/Luz or Andrew with the number of people to attend. We need to know this by October 16th so that we can order tickets and see if we have enough drivers. More details to follow.
Youth group meetings will start up again September 23. They will start at 6:00pm and go until 8:00pm. Anyone 7-12 grade is invited to attend. Get an information sheet from Heather. We are preparing for another great year. If you have any suggestions on events or workshops just let me know.
In September CCD starts again. Make sure to get the most out of these classes. If you have already made your confirmation you can offer to help out with classes or even teach. We do not spend enough of out time with God. This would be a great opportunity.
Monday, July 20, 2009
My Sister's Dash
On July 14 at approximately 1:30pm my sister Kathryn lost her strong fought battle with MS. For many we were stunned by the fact it was way to soon. But during her short lifetime of only 35 years, she managed to teach people to love, to laugh, how to have strength, and to never give up. Last December when we lost our father my sister took the time to shared this poem from Linda Ellis with me. Today I feel that it is only fitting to share it with you today.
I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend
He referred to the dates on her tombstone from the beginning to the end.
He noted that first came the date of her birth and spoke the following date with tears,
But he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time that she spent alive on earth.
And now only those who loved her know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not how much we own; the cars, the house, the cash,
What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left, that can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough to consider what’s true and real
And always try to understand the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger, and show appreciation more
And love the people in our lives like we’ve never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect, and more often wear a smile
Remembering that this special dash might only last a little while.
by Linda Ellis
God Bless Kathryn. May she rest in peace.
On July 14 at approximately 1:30pm my sister Kathryn lost her strong fought battle with MS. For many we were stunned by the fact it was way to soon. But during her short lifetime of only 35 years, she managed to teach people to love, to laugh, how to have strength, and to never give up. Last December when we lost our father my sister took the time to shared this poem from Linda Ellis with me. Today I feel that it is only fitting to share it with you today.
I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend
He referred to the dates on her tombstone from the beginning to the end.
He noted that first came the date of her birth and spoke the following date with tears,
But he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time that she spent alive on earth.
And now only those who loved her know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not how much we own; the cars, the house, the cash,
What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left, that can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough to consider what’s true and real
And always try to understand the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger, and show appreciation more
And love the people in our lives like we’ve never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect, and more often wear a smile
Remembering that this special dash might only last a little while.
by Linda Ellis
God Bless Kathryn. May she rest in peace.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sorry about the lack of postings!
We had good intentions with this summer but due to unfortunate situations we have had to delay some of the events. We will be trying to schedule the Great America trip soon. I would like to do this before the soccer season starts.
First things first...
About two weeks ago I went to the doctor because my knee hurt. Well..... It seem that since I am going to be 40, my body has decided to show signs of getting older. On July 22, I will be having knee surgery to fix my torn minicus. Which was undoubtedly cause by our weekly event, the Grog. While in surgery they are going to see what they can do about the mass of arthritis in every part of my knee.
Then on May 31, I received a call from my sister's husband. My sister had been put into Northwestern hospital because her MS was acting up. As of today, she is at the University hospital intensive care unit. She is not responding and has spiked a fever. The Dr.'s fear that the MS has attacked the part of her brain that control motor functions. But until they can confirm this we will just have to wait. Please pray for her.
But what I have learned through all of this from losing my Dad, my brother having heart and health issues, and now my sister, that God has His plan. Maybe His plan was to bring the family closer together. Maybe my sister has a bigger health issue and these doctors will find it. Maybe it is just a reminder that we are God's people and we do not have control.
One thing is for sure. That I have truly put all my faith in God. I know that each hurtle that I jump over another one will be there. But as long as I look toward God for my answers and live my life for Him I can never go wrong.
God Bless.
We had good intentions with this summer but due to unfortunate situations we have had to delay some of the events. We will be trying to schedule the Great America trip soon. I would like to do this before the soccer season starts.
First things first...
About two weeks ago I went to the doctor because my knee hurt. Well..... It seem that since I am going to be 40, my body has decided to show signs of getting older. On July 22, I will be having knee surgery to fix my torn minicus. Which was undoubtedly cause by our weekly event, the Grog. While in surgery they are going to see what they can do about the mass of arthritis in every part of my knee.
Then on May 31, I received a call from my sister's husband. My sister had been put into Northwestern hospital because her MS was acting up. As of today, she is at the University hospital intensive care unit. She is not responding and has spiked a fever. The Dr.'s fear that the MS has attacked the part of her brain that control motor functions. But until they can confirm this we will just have to wait. Please pray for her.
But what I have learned through all of this from losing my Dad, my brother having heart and health issues, and now my sister, that God has His plan. Maybe His plan was to bring the family closer together. Maybe my sister has a bigger health issue and these doctors will find it. Maybe it is just a reminder that we are God's people and we do not have control.
One thing is for sure. That I have truly put all my faith in God. I know that each hurtle that I jump over another one will be there. But as long as I look toward God for my answers and live my life for Him I can never go wrong.
God Bless.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Summer is almost here!
Progressive Dinner
May 20, 2009 is our first annual progressive dinner. Thanks to Mrs. Nagel and Mrs. Staulbaum for offering to be part of this event. We will be meeting at the church hall by 6:30pm. We will end up at Heather's house for the main course and dessert. Don't be late we will be leaving at 6:45pm sharp!!!
Car Wash
The youth group will be having a fundraiser car wash. However, we need to know if there will be enough members there. This group is for the youth and without support from the youth we will not have this event. It is scheduled for May 23 from 9am - 1pm at the Keener Township Fire Station. If this event does not happen due to lack of participation it will jeopardize the Great American trip. Call Heather to let her know if you can attend.
Great America
This is tentatively scheduled for July 13. We are waiting to see how the fundraiser does to see what the final cost for this trip will be. Check in for more information.
We need a break
Last meeting for the summer is scheduled May 27. We will be meeting during the summer so keep checking the bulletin and web site for details.
Progressive Dinner
May 20, 2009 is our first annual progressive dinner. Thanks to Mrs. Nagel and Mrs. Staulbaum for offering to be part of this event. We will be meeting at the church hall by 6:30pm. We will end up at Heather's house for the main course and dessert. Don't be late we will be leaving at 6:45pm sharp!!!
Car Wash
The youth group will be having a fundraiser car wash. However, we need to know if there will be enough members there. This group is for the youth and without support from the youth we will not have this event. It is scheduled for May 23 from 9am - 1pm at the Keener Township Fire Station. If this event does not happen due to lack of participation it will jeopardize the Great American trip. Call Heather to let her know if you can attend.
Great America
This is tentatively scheduled for July 13. We are waiting to see how the fundraiser does to see what the final cost for this trip will be. Check in for more information.
We need a break
Last meeting for the summer is scheduled May 27. We will be meeting during the summer so keep checking the bulletin and web site for details.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Alleluia! He is Risen! .... He is risen indeed!
During this Easter season we seem to be a little happier. The flowers are blooming, the temperature is rising, and the winter coats are being stored in the back of the closet. Things are especially beautiful in Church. On Easter, everyone is dressed so nicely and we seem to have a glow about us. But you see, it doesn't have to end. Every Sunday is a celebration of Easter. Every Sunday we could dress nicer and gather with family and celebration the things that God has given us. Every Sunday, we could show our gratefulness to our heavenly Father for his forgiveness and the sacrifice of His only Son. It doesn't need to end!
At our last meeting Judy, Andrew and Luz hid Easter eggs from the youth group kids. The eggs were hiden in some very inconspicious places. Great Job! We were able to see the competative side of some of our youth group members. Then we went inside and joined Sister Kathryn in a fun game of Guess Who I Am? This game is where each of us writes something that no one knows about ourselves and then we, the members, have to guess who that person was. You will never guess who knows how to play bass guitar!
Upcoming Events
April 22
The confirmation class is preparing to make their confirmation on April 22 at 7pm. The youth group will be meeting at St. Cecelia Church to show our support for those in our parish making this glorious sacrament. Dress appropriately, the Bishop will be in attendance.
May 15 & 16
As the youth group meets during the month of April we are trying to set dates for our events.
May 15 & 16 our youth group member Jon will be proforming at the Improv at KV High School.
May 23
So far we are having a fundraiser Car Wash at the Keener Township Fire Station on May 23 from 9-1pm. We need all available member of our youth group to participate. This will help us raise money for future events.
Supplies Needed
Our meetings are at 6:30pm at the Sorrowful Mother Church hall. We are currently need supplies for snack. We have plenty of pop and water
During this Easter season we seem to be a little happier. The flowers are blooming, the temperature is rising, and the winter coats are being stored in the back of the closet. Things are especially beautiful in Church. On Easter, everyone is dressed so nicely and we seem to have a glow about us. But you see, it doesn't have to end. Every Sunday is a celebration of Easter. Every Sunday we could dress nicer and gather with family and celebration the things that God has given us. Every Sunday, we could show our gratefulness to our heavenly Father for his forgiveness and the sacrifice of His only Son. It doesn't need to end!
At our last meeting Judy, Andrew and Luz hid Easter eggs from the youth group kids. The eggs were hiden in some very inconspicious places. Great Job! We were able to see the competative side of some of our youth group members. Then we went inside and joined Sister Kathryn in a fun game of Guess Who I Am? This game is where each of us writes something that no one knows about ourselves and then we, the members, have to guess who that person was. You will never guess who knows how to play bass guitar!
Upcoming Events
April 22
The confirmation class is preparing to make their confirmation on April 22 at 7pm. The youth group will be meeting at St. Cecelia Church to show our support for those in our parish making this glorious sacrament. Dress appropriately, the Bishop will be in attendance.
May 15 & 16
As the youth group meets during the month of April we are trying to set dates for our events.
May 15 & 16 our youth group member Jon will be proforming at the Improv at KV High School.
May 23
So far we are having a fundraiser Car Wash at the Keener Township Fire Station on May 23 from 9-1pm. We need all available member of our youth group to participate. This will help us raise money for future events.
Supplies Needed
Our meetings are at 6:30pm at the Sorrowful Mother Church hall. We are currently need supplies for snack. We have plenty of pop and water
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Youth Group Takes a Break
During the Lenten season the Youth Group has been busy. Now it is time to focus on our relationship with God. Because of this the youth group will be taking a two week break. During this time we strongly urge each and every member to attend the penance service of your choice. The church has made this very accommodating by offering services at Sorrowful Mother on March 16 and St. Cecelia's on March 17. Both services start at 7pm.
This youth group was created to give the youth an opportunity to be part of a group that is really part of something much bigger. The youth should represent what the church means. Helping others, listening to God and also living God's Word. So for the last few weeks before Easter we will be focusing on just that.
Our next meeting will be April 1 at 6:30pm. We have plenty of snacks and drinks so just come and share in the experience.
During the Lenten season the Youth Group has been busy. Now it is time to focus on our relationship with God. Because of this the youth group will be taking a two week break. During this time we strongly urge each and every member to attend the penance service of your choice. The church has made this very accommodating by offering services at Sorrowful Mother on March 16 and St. Cecelia's on March 17. Both services start at 7pm.
This youth group was created to give the youth an opportunity to be part of a group that is really part of something much bigger. The youth should represent what the church means. Helping others, listening to God and also living God's Word. So for the last few weeks before Easter we will be focusing on just that.
Our next meeting will be April 1 at 6:30pm. We have plenty of snacks and drinks so just come and share in the experience.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Lent - A time to Prepare
This is a time that we need to really look at ourselves and our relationship with God. Take time to not only work on this but understand that what we have on this earth will not matter unless we are following God's will. Our time here on earth is nothing compared to our eternal reward.
Some suggested Lenten activities: pray the rosary, pray more throughout the day, help others pray, turn off the TV and cell phones and work on relationships.
This is a time that we need to really look at ourselves and our relationship with God. Take time to not only work on this but understand that what we have on this earth will not matter unless we are following God's will. Our time here on earth is nothing compared to our eternal reward.
Some suggested Lenten activities: pray the rosary, pray more throughout the day, help others pray, turn off the TV and cell phones and work on relationships.
I promise! I will be there!
We, as a group, have been focusing on helping our church, going to Mass and looking for ways that we can help others. So this one time we took the opportunity to celebrate "fun" and went bowling. What I noticed was a group of "young adults" that represented our church well. In fact EVERYONE who attends the group meetings was in attendance.
We still have to decided the schedule for the next few meetings so I am looking for ideas. One possibility is to go around town for a food drive to collect canned goods. It will all depend on the weather. Because of these economic times, we need to help those in need. In any case we will meet at church and decide from there.
We will be getting things ready for the Easter Egg Hunt. This will be happening after the 8am mass. At 9:30 on the church grounds. The eggs are already purchased we just need donations of bags of candy to fill the eggs.
God Bless.
We, as a group, have been focusing on helping our church, going to Mass and looking for ways that we can help others. So this one time we took the opportunity to celebrate "fun" and went bowling. What I noticed was a group of "young adults" that represented our church well. In fact EVERYONE who attends the group meetings was in attendance.
We still have to decided the schedule for the next few meetings so I am looking for ideas. One possibility is to go around town for a food drive to collect canned goods. It will all depend on the weather. Because of these economic times, we need to help those in need. In any case we will meet at church and decide from there.
We will be getting things ready for the Easter Egg Hunt. This will be happening after the 8am mass. At 9:30 on the church grounds. The eggs are already purchased we just need donations of bags of candy to fill the eggs.
God Bless.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
The youth group is going bowling on March 4. The cost is $5.00 and we will be meeting at the Wheatfield Lanes at 3:30pm. If you need a ride to the bowling alley please contact Heather.
At the request of the group there are two retreat opportunities for us to attend. The first is on March 28 and March 29 in order to go we have to register by March 6. The cost is $55 per person.
However, there is another chance for a retreat here locally. On April 24-26 at Andrean High School this is an opportunity for the high school student of the group to enrich there relationship with God. The cost is $35 which includes lunch, dinner, snacks and official T-shirt. We must know by April 4th. I want to encourage all high students to attend. Paige, you thought the Right to Life March was powerful. Hold on to your hats!
God Bless.
The youth group is going bowling on March 4. The cost is $5.00 and we will be meeting at the Wheatfield Lanes at 3:30pm. If you need a ride to the bowling alley please contact Heather.
At the request of the group there are two retreat opportunities for us to attend. The first is on March 28 and March 29 in order to go we have to register by March 6. The cost is $55 per person.
However, there is another chance for a retreat here locally. On April 24-26 at Andrean High School this is an opportunity for the high school student of the group to enrich there relationship with God. The cost is $35 which includes lunch, dinner, snacks and official T-shirt. We must know by April 4th. I want to encourage all high students to attend. Paige, you thought the Right to Life March was powerful. Hold on to your hats!
God Bless.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Save the Date
The Sorrowful Mother Youth Group is hosting a
Soup Kitchen & Salad Bar
February 15, 2009
11am- 2pm
at the Sorrowful Mother Church Hall
Cost is $6 for Adults and $3 for Children 12 and under
Come and join us and taste all the different delicious soups and eat from our salad bar.
Proceeds will go to the Youth Group Fund
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Is it Wednesday yet???
Thank you to Sister Kathyrn for the use of her house for our youth group meeting this past week. We watched the moving The Ultimate Gift. This movie reminds us that money can not always buy happiness. That the most important gift we can give someone come from our heart and does not cost any money.
We will be meeting in the hall on Wednesday. Bring snacks if you can. The youth group seems to like the frozen pizza's. The cheaper the better. Paige, Jon and Jessica have stories to tell about their experience from the Right to Life March in Washington DC. We are really looking forward to next year. We would like to go as a group.
Thank you to Sister Kathyrn for the use of her house for our youth group meeting this past week. We watched the moving The Ultimate Gift. This movie reminds us that money can not always buy happiness. That the most important gift we can give someone come from our heart and does not cost any money.
We will be meeting in the hall on Wednesday. Bring snacks if you can. The youth group seems to like the frozen pizza's. The cheaper the better. Paige, Jon and Jessica have stories to tell about their experience from the Right to Life March in Washington DC. We are really looking forward to next year. We would like to go as a group.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sister Kathryn has offered her house for our youth group meetings. Thank you Sister Kathryn!!! During the colder winter months we may be looking into other alternatives for our Wednesday night festivities.
This week we will be meeting at Sister Kathryn's house at 6pm until 8:30pm. We will be watching a movie and having pizza. No need to bring a movie or the pizza. This all has been arranged by Heather.
Paige, Jon and Jessica are attending the Right to Life march in Washington DC. Pray that one day our politicians and government officials realize the value of human life and protect this precious gift of life from God.
Remember to keep those in need in our prayers.
Sister Kathryn has offered her house for our youth group meetings. Thank you Sister Kathryn!!! During the colder winter months we may be looking into other alternatives for our Wednesday night festivities.
This week we will be meeting at Sister Kathryn's house at 6pm until 8:30pm. We will be watching a movie and having pizza. No need to bring a movie or the pizza. This all has been arranged by Heather.
Paige, Jon and Jessica are attending the Right to Life march in Washington DC. Pray that one day our politicians and government officials realize the value of human life and protect this precious gift of life from God.
Remember to keep those in need in our prayers.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009

On Wednesday, the group did their monthly visit to the chapel to attend mass. Thank you to Trey for helping father by serving. After mass, we managed to find food to have snack with and played grog. Yes, we are still playing grog.
As you can see by the picture to the left, Drew with his camouflage coat was hiding from the grog. The group was successful with putting together the flashlight and getting Allison or Hannah who were the grogs.
A big thank you goes out to Luz. She went to the hall early to turn on the heat. Otherwise we would be meeting in a balmy 50 degrees. BURRRRR!
As a group we discussed that if the weather conditions are poor. I would much rather that everyone stays home. Please check this site for any updates before you leave for youth group.
Finally, we have names of people to pray for: Josh's Grandmother, Marlene Jenkins, Jose Reyes, Brian Gorski, Josh Shentey, Robert, Allison Rockley's brother, Danny Rockley, the group friend and classmate, Kaitlyn Kamminga, Heather's mother, Rose McDermott, 384th MP Co..
Also keep in your prayers the family and friends of Theresa Myers, who lost her battle with cancer. May God bless Theresa and my she rest in peace with our Heavenly Father.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Happy New Year!!!!!
First let me take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support with the loss of my father. He was a great man and was loved by many. Always treasure the times you have with your parents. One day you may have to say good-bye and you do not want any regrets. Fortunately, God gave me the opportunity to go to lunch with my father just hours before we took him to the hospital. I will always be grateful for the lunch. Pray for my family. Some are having a hard time letting go.
Now back to business. We are playing Grog on Wednesday!!! I know, I know.......So dress appropriately. I will even wear my tennis shoes. We may need some snacks. So if you want to bring them in please do so.
High Schoolers!! There is a retreat next month. This is for 9-12 graders. It is out of town and will require some funding from you or your parents. Please let me know if you are interested in attending. I can make arrangements with St. Cecelia's youth group in order to save some money.
Please keep everyone in your prayers.
See you on Wedesday at 6:3opm.
First let me take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support with the loss of my father. He was a great man and was loved by many. Always treasure the times you have with your parents. One day you may have to say good-bye and you do not want any regrets. Fortunately, God gave me the opportunity to go to lunch with my father just hours before we took him to the hospital. I will always be grateful for the lunch. Pray for my family. Some are having a hard time letting go.
Now back to business. We are playing Grog on Wednesday!!! I know, I know.......So dress appropriately. I will even wear my tennis shoes. We may need some snacks. So if you want to bring them in please do so.
High Schoolers!! There is a retreat next month. This is for 9-12 graders. It is out of town and will require some funding from you or your parents. Please let me know if you are interested in attending. I can make arrangements with St. Cecelia's youth group in order to save some money.
Please keep everyone in your prayers.
See you on Wedesday at 6:3opm.
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