Thursday, January 29, 2009

Save the Date
The Sorrowful Mother Youth Group is hosting a
Soup Kitchen & Salad Bar
February 15, 2009
11am- 2pm
at the Sorrowful Mother Church Hall
Cost is $6 for Adults and $3 for Children 12 and under
Come and join us and taste all the different delicious soups and eat from our salad bar.
Proceeds will go to the Youth Group Fund

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Is it Wednesday yet???

Thank you to Sister Kathyrn for the use of her house for our youth group meeting this past week. We watched the moving The Ultimate Gift. This movie reminds us that money can not always buy happiness. That the most important gift we can give someone come from our heart and does not cost any money.

We will be meeting in the hall on Wednesday. Bring snacks if you can. The youth group seems to like the frozen pizza's. The cheaper the better. Paige, Jon and Jessica have stories to tell about their experience from the Right to Life March in Washington DC. We are really looking forward to next year. We would like to go as a group.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Sister Kathryn has offered her house for our youth group meetings. Thank you Sister Kathryn!!! During the colder winter months we may be looking into other alternatives for our Wednesday night festivities.

This week we will be meeting at Sister Kathryn's house at 6pm until 8:30pm. We will be watching a movie and having pizza. No need to bring a movie or the pizza. This all has been arranged by Heather.

Paige, Jon and Jessica are attending the Right to Life march in Washington DC. Pray that one day our politicians and government officials realize the value of human life and protect this precious gift of life from God.

Remember to keep those in need in our prayers.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Youth group is cancelled for 1-14-08

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Oh the weather outside is frightful....

On Wednesday, the group did their monthly visit to the chapel to attend mass. Thank you to Trey for helping father by serving. After mass, we managed to find food to have snack with and played grog. Yes, we are still playing grog.

As you can see by the picture to the left, Drew with his camouflage coat was hiding from the grog. The group was successful with putting together the flashlight and getting Allison or Hannah who were the grogs.

A big thank you goes out to Luz. She went to the hall early to turn on the heat. Otherwise we would be meeting in a balmy 50 degrees. BURRRRR!

As a group we discussed that if the weather conditions are poor. I would much rather that everyone stays home. Please check this site for any updates before you leave for youth group.

Finally, we have names of people to pray for: Josh's Grandmother, Marlene Jenkins, Jose Reyes, Brian Gorski, Josh Shentey, Robert, Allison Rockley's brother, Danny Rockley, the group friend and classmate, Kaitlyn Kamminga, Heather's mother, Rose McDermott, 384th MP Co..

Also keep in your prayers the family and friends of Theresa Myers, who lost her battle with cancer. May God bless Theresa and my she rest in peace with our Heavenly Father.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!!

First let me take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support with the loss of my father. He was a great man and was loved by many. Always treasure the times you have with your parents. One day you may have to say good-bye and you do not want any regrets. Fortunately, God gave me the opportunity to go to lunch with my father just hours before we took him to the hospital. I will always be grateful for the lunch. Pray for my family. Some are having a hard time letting go.

Now back to business. We are playing Grog on Wednesday!!! I know, I know.......So dress appropriately. I will even wear my tennis shoes. We may need some snacks. So if you want to bring them in please do so.

High Schoolers!! There is a retreat next month. This is for 9-12 graders. It is out of town and will require some funding from you or your parents. Please let me know if you are interested in attending. I can make arrangements with St. Cecelia's youth group in order to save some money.

Please keep everyone in your prayers.

See you on Wedesday at 6:3opm.