Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 28, 2012 - No Youth Group

All permission slips for the Chicago Trip were due to Heather by the 25th.  If you have not turned them in then let her know.  We need to make sure that there is enough room in the cars.  Cost is $30/person.  We will be meeting at the church on Saturday Dec 1 at 8:30am.  We should be returning on the 4:25pm train.  We should be back in Wheatfield by 7:00pm. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Youth Group is Cancelled

Due to the cancellation of school, youth Group is canceled for this evening (11/21/2012). 

REMINDER:  The youth group will be singing at the 8 am Mass on Sunday November 25.  Let's all attend and be at church by 7:30am. 

Permission slip are due for the Chicago trip and for the March for Life.  All information must be turned in on Sunday.   The deposit of $50 for the March for Life must be paid too.  Make your checks out the Sorrowful Mother Youth Group.  Right now, I only have confirmation for Allie.

Chicago Trip - We will meet at the church at 8:30am and will return on the 6:22pm train.  We will be going to Millennium Park to see the bean, late lunch at Gino's East, go to the top of the John Hancock and take a walk to look at the Christmas Windows at Macy's.  (Heather also has some surprise stops on the way.)  We should arrive back in Wheatfield by 8:30pm.  (Note:  it is possible that due to the weather we will catch an earlier train.)  Cost is $30 per person

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wednesday November 21, 2012 Meeting

YOU VISITED THE BLOG!!  Bring a frozen pizza and wear the color green!!

Happy Thanksgiving.

We will be meeting on Wed, Nov. 21 at 6pm.  See you there!!

For those interested in going to Chicago on Dec 1, all permission slip will be due on Wed. Nov 21.  Call Heather right away if you did not turn in your permission slip.  The cost will be $30.00 per person.  We will be taking a train to Chicago from the Chesterton station, visiting Millennium Park, going to see the windows at Macy's, walking up Michigan Ave and going to the John Hancock Center.  We will also take time and eat pizza to get a real taste of Chicago style pizza.

If you are interested in attending the March for Life Rally the permission slip and a $50.00 deposit is due by November 25.  If you do not turn in a permission slip you will miss the opportunity.  This is a life changing experience.  Hope you will decide to attend.

REMINDER - the youth group will be singing at the 8am Mass on Sunday, November 25, 2012.  Please be at church by 7:45am so that we may go over the music one last time.  We are also slated to sing at the Christmas Eve Mass at 5:00pm.

God Bless.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Permission slip are due November 14

YOU CHECKED THE BLOG!!!!  Bring in a frozen pizza, bag of chips or a bottle of pop to the meeting. 

We will be meeting on November 14, 2012 at 6pm.  At that time anyone that is interested in attending the paint ball trip will need to submit their permission slip. (This is necessary to ensure that we have enough drivers.) We will need parents to also come to the meeting to print out a waiver for the paint ball site. 

Father Paul has asked the youth group to assist with the music ministry.  As a group we will be singing along with Chris Woodward and her guitar at the 4th Sunday of the month at the 8am Masses.  We really appreciate Chris taking the time out of her busy schedule to help us with this ministry.  I strongly encourage each member to be a part of this. 

Our next trip will be on December 1.  We will be going to Chicago to take in the sites of the City.  Watch this blog for departure times. 

BY NOVEMBER 25, 2012
We need to also find out who wants to go to the March for Life and have the paperwork filled out.  This is an incredible experience and an awesome opportunity for the youth to stand up and fight for those who can not fight for themselves.  Go to the website  to check it out and print off the paperwork.  See Heather for the paperwork or any questions.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

No youth group meeting (Oct 31) due to holy day of obligation!!

There will not be a  youth group meeting this evening.  All Saints Day is a holy day of obligation.  There will be Mass this evening at 7pm.  Otherwise, please go to Mass tomorrow.  Nov. 1 at 8:30 or 7:00pm.  It is our duty to attend this Mass.  We must be faithful to God in everything we do.  God has given us many gifts and we must show our thankfulness by following his commandments.  GOD IS GOOD!  ALL THE TIME!


November - 17 Paint Ball at Blast Camp - We will be leaving the church at noon and returning around 5:00pm.  Dress in layers!

December 1 - Trip to Chicago.  We will be taking the train, walking downtown, checking out "the bean", looking at Christmas windows, visiting the John Hancock center and going out for pizza.  We still have to determine what time we will be leaving.

Monday, September 17, 2012

God is good .... All the Time!

On Sunday September 16th, we gathered together for a youth group pot luck dinner.  We are blessed to have such a great group.  Thank you everyone who attended and for those who brought food.  A special thank you for Joe and Ginny Misch.  They have always been great supporters of the youth group.  Thank you to David Tokarz.  Your demonstration of how we need to focus was fantastic.  Maybe with time the youth group can "master" how to focus. 

We will start our youth group meetings, Wednesday October 3 at 6:00pm.  We will be meeting weekly.  I am strongly encouraging that the member attend as many retreats as possible.  This is a great way to grow in your relationship with God.  I love retreats because it always reminds me of my many blessings and spending time with our God is so fulfilling.

March for Life - please let Judy or Heather know if you are interested in attending the March for Life.  This pilgrimage is a great way to live your faith.  Watch the blog and the bulletin for details.

Confirmation class - meets Wednesday September 19 at 6pm.  Thank you to Robyn Schaetzel and David Myers for teaching this class.  God is so good.

God Bless.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer is almost over!!!

As we start school again, I start to think..... Where did the summer go?  So many times I make these big plans.  But before I know it, the time is gone.  So I start and think how many times have I done this to God.  How many times have I passed up the opportunity to spend more time with Him in prayer thanking Him or praising Him.

Mark your calendar  August 23 concert at Church.  This is a great time to spend worshiping God with music.

We are starting to prepare for this year's youth group.  September 16, at 5pm we would like to have a parent and youth potluck dinner.  Current members and youth/parents that are interested in the youth group, are invited to attend.  We will use this time for fellowship and to discuss the goals for the next year.

I am looking forward to this year and hope that we will grow even closer to God.  God bless.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Summer is almost here!!

Summer is almost here and we are winding down with our youth group.  Our last meeting is on May 23 at 6pm. This was an incredible year for our youth group.  I am very proud of the many accomplishments that we realized.

We will be going to Great America on June 11.  First, we will attend daily Mass at 8:30am in the chapel.  After Mass we will head to Six Flag Great America.  Since we are going as representation of Sorrowful Mother Church, I am expecting everyone to be on their best behavior.  Last time we went the group made me very proud.  Keep up the good work.

We are in need of drivers.  Families are invited to attend.  However, friends are not allow to come unless the parent of the youth group member is attending.  I anticipate that we will be leaving the park around 8:30pm and returning approx 10:30pm.

June 8 - 5-7pm  We are having our Schwan Fundraiser to help raise funds for our Great America trip.  Please plan on attending to be able to personally thank everyone that has supported us.

The server Indiana Beach trip date has changed.  Watch the bulletin for details.

One last reminder.... Just because we are taking a break for the summer, doesn't mean we take a break from Sunday Mass.  GO TO CHURCH.    Remember...


Monday, April 16, 2012

He has risen! He has risen indeed!

During this Easter season, I would like to thank those that participated in the Seder Meal. I have received many compliments about how the youth group did an outstanding job and especially how they "got into it" by wearing the costumes. Fantastic job!!

Since we have worked so hard (and because of the rummage sale). We will take a much needed break.... Our next meeting is May 2 at 6:00pm. If the weather is nice, I would really like to spend some time as a group outside. So dress appropriately.

As a reminder....the youth should not text the leaders. Please check this blog or our weekly church bulletin for information.

Mark your calendars:

May 19 - Car Wash (weather permitting) Date is subject to change

May 23 - Last Youth Group Meeting for this school year.
June 11 - Great America - we will be leaving the parking lot after we attend Mass the 8:30am Mass. We will start on our way home at 8:00pm. We should be back in the area around 10:30pm.

June 26 - The servers get to go to Indiana Beach

Places we still have to go or do: Chicago, Progressive Dinner, Youth Group Picnic.

God Bless.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Seder Meal Practice

We will be taking time to practice and prepare for the Seder Meal on April 2 at 6pm. We need everyone to attend. After practice, for those that are interested, we will be taking part in the service at 7pm.

The Seder Meal will be on Wednesday, April 4 at 6pm. Families of the youth group member are invited and encourage to attend. Please let Heather or Judy know if you are interested in attending.

We will also be preparing the Easter Egg Hunt at church. The Easter Egg Hunt will be after the 8am mass on April 8.

We will not have a youth group meeting on April 11.

God Bless.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Shrine of Christ Passion - Stations of the Cross Trip

March 17, 2021 we are leaving the church parking lot at 12:00pm. From there we will be going to Carriage Court Pizza to eat. By 1:30pm we should be at the shrine to walk through the life size stations of the cross. We should be arriving back at the church around 4pm. Families are invited to attend. If you are interested in driving please contact Heather Tokarz.

Permission slips are required. Cost is $5.00 per person.

We are still continuing to meet with Father on Wednesdays. During lent, we are taking this opportunity to prepare by learning about the 10 commandments. After Father's presentation we will have a short meeting.

The youth group is handling the Seder Dinner on April 4. This event is open to the parish. We will need volunteers to assist with the preparation of this dinner. Let us know if you could help.

Have a blessed week.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Confirmation Class/Youth Group

We will be meeting over the next weeks on Wednesdays at 6pm. We will be spending time with Father Paul learning and understanding more about the 10 commandments. Our first class was on Ash Wednesday. I encourage everyone including parents to attend. Our youth group theme is service, social and spiritual. During lent, we should take this time and prepare. What better way then with our priest.

See you next Wednesday at 6pm.

Thanks to Allison, Danny, Abbey, Allison, Hannah T., Michael, Jake, Sarah, Alec, Trey and Gavin. Your presence made a difference.

God Bless.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Next Meeting January 25, 2012

We will be meeting on Wednesday to discuss the Soup and Salad fundraiser. This is a great fundraiser for our youth group. The money that we raise goes toward, retreats, pilgrimages, and events for the youth group. It is vital that everyone attend and pick a job to do to make sure that we have a sucessful event.

On January 23, our dioceses went to Washington DC to participate in the March for Life. This event is crucial to show our government that we value all forms of life. Since 2010, I have attended this event. So this year not being a part of it was very hard. I really missed not being their as a voice of what we as Catholic's stand for.

As a group we must stand for what is right. We must stand up and protect those that can not protect themselves. We must stand up in our faith and do what God wants us to do. So I challenge each and every youth group member to make the commitment to attend the March for Life in 2013. To attend the event for just one year. I promise you, that once you attend, you will grow in your relationship with God and desire to attend the next year.

Another focus is that we also need to grow spiritually in our faith. Attending retreats will be the main focus of this group as well. We need to be the best followers of Christ that we can be.

God is Good! All the time!!