Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Do You Know What Day It Is????

Youth Group Meeting is starting on September 24, 2014 .  We will be meeting regularly on Wednesday evenings at 6pm in the church hall.

Please sign up to receive texts for reminders or cancellation send a text message to @smcy to 260-205-5572.  This service allow the leaders to get the information out to everyone.  This is a one way texting service.  Responses to the messages will not be received.

We are looking forward another great year.  See you then.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Soup and Salad Bar

READY.......  SET.......  OH WAIT!!!

Because of the forecast for Saturday evening. We will be canceling the Soup and Salad bar event for Feb 9.  The youth group will have to come with another fundraising opportunity. 

Thank you to everyone that offered to help.