Summer is almost over!!!!
The summer is coming to an end. The school bells soon will be ringing. I have enjoyed my summer for the most part but feel that it went by way to fast. Hopefully everyone had a wonderful summer.
Great America
We will be going to Great America on October 30. Sorry for the long delay but with everything that had happened over the summer this seems to be the best time. By then my knee should be up to the 10 miles of walking. I need to know who all can go and who will be driving. Family is invited to come along but will have to pay for their tickets. All current and active youth group members who have participated in our fundraisers will have their ticket paid for. Please call Heather/Judy/Luz or Andrew with the number of people to attend. We need to know this by October 16th so that we can order tickets and see if we have enough drivers. More details to follow.
Youth group meetings will start up again September 23. They will start at 6:00pm and go until 8:00pm. Anyone 7-12 grade is invited to attend. Get an information sheet from Heather. We are preparing for another great year. If you have any suggestions on events or workshops just let me know.
In September CCD starts again. Make sure to get the most out of these classes. If you have already made your confirmation you can offer to help out with classes or even teach. We do not spend enough of out time with God. This would be a great opportunity.