Sunday, November 21, 2010

Youth Group and Confirmation Class

There is a meeting Sunday, November 20 at 5:30pm until 7:30pm. Everyone who attended last meeting was given a saint and had to get a few facts about that saint. Everyone pick saints that show interest to them. (Example: the patron saint of knee injuries is St. Roch.)

Also, we are asking that everyone bring some type of snack and 2 litter of pop. Doesn't have to be this Sunday but remember this during the year.

November 23, Thanksgiving Mass. The confirmation class is to attend this Mass. We will be meeting at 6:30pm to prepare.

December 11 is Parent's afternoon out. Everyone is to meet at the church hall by 10:30am. We need to prepare before the children get there.

January 22 - 25 we will be traveling for the March for Life in DC. I need to know who is interested. We will be sleeping at a church. The cost is $120 however the youth group and other donations will reduce this cost. I need to know if you are interested in going by December 19.