Happy New Year! May you and your family have a very blessed 2013.
Youth Group Meetings
We are going with the practice that if there is no CCD on Sunday we will not have youth group that Wednesday. With this is mind. January 9 there will NOT be a youth group meeting. We will meet again on January 16 at 6pm - 7:30pm. Bring a frozen pizza and a bottle of pop. Watch the blog and use your judgement on the weather. Please do not chance driving to youth group if the conditions are not safe.
March for Life - There is six people attending the March for Life in DC on January 25. Please keep them and the whole group attending in your prayers. Pray that they make a difference and that once day we will celebrate that all life will be protected.
Field Trip!! January 19 - the confirmation class and any interested youth group members will be going to the Cathedral in Lafayette. We will be leaving church at 11:45am. We will be getting a tour of the Cathedral, saying the rosary, then attending Mass, after Mass the group will go out for dinner.
Destination Jesus Form and $75 are due. Anyone that has not turned in the Destination Jesus form must get it in ASAP. Please turn it into Robyn, Dave, Judy or Heather.
And Remember God is good...All the time!