Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Up Coming Events

Youth Group meetings are Sunday evenings (5:30pm - 7:30pm) in the church hall.

Saturdays - Anyone from the youth group can volunteer at the DeMotte Food Pantry. They are needing several volunteers.

November 6 - Pizza, Old Lake County Jail tour, and Shrine of Christ's Passion. Leave the church parking lot at 10:30am. Cost is $12 per person. Bring extra money to shop at the gift shop at the Shrine of Christ's Passion.

November 7 - Retreat - We are leaving the church parking lot at 8am sharp. We will be returning around 9:00pm. There will NOT be a youth group meeting.

November 24, 2010 - The confirmation class will be assisting with the Thanksgiving Mass.

December 11 - Parent's afternoon out - 11am - 4:45pm. Parishioners may drop off their children preschool age to 4th grade for an afternoon. Parents may want to wrap up their Christmas shopping, wrap gifts or just take a nap.