Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Permission slip are due November 14

YOU CHECKED THE BLOG!!!!  Bring in a frozen pizza, bag of chips or a bottle of pop to the meeting. 

We will be meeting on November 14, 2012 at 6pm.  At that time anyone that is interested in attending the paint ball trip will need to submit their permission slip. (This is necessary to ensure that we have enough drivers.) We will need parents to also come to the meeting to print out a waiver for the paint ball site. 

Father Paul has asked the youth group to assist with the music ministry.  As a group we will be singing along with Chris Woodward and her guitar at the 4th Sunday of the month at the 8am Masses.  We really appreciate Chris taking the time out of her busy schedule to help us with this ministry.  I strongly encourage each member to be a part of this. 

Our next trip will be on December 1.  We will be going to Chicago to take in the sites of the City.  Watch this blog for departure times. 

BY NOVEMBER 25, 2012
We need to also find out who wants to go to the March for Life and have the paperwork filled out.  This is an incredible experience and an awesome opportunity for the youth to stand up and fight for those who can not fight for themselves.  Go to the website
http://www.dol-in.org/pictures/Catechesis/Youth%20Ministry/Youth%20Rally%202013%20Individual%20Registration.pdf  to check it out and print off the paperwork.  See Heather for the paperwork or any questions.