Due to the cancellation of school, youth Group is canceled for this evening (11/21/2012).
REMINDER: The youth group will be singing at the 8 am Mass on Sunday November 25. Let's all attend and be at church by 7:30am.
Permission slip are due for the Chicago trip and for the March for Life. All information must be turned in on Sunday. The deposit of $50 for the March for Life must be paid too. Make your checks out the Sorrowful Mother Youth Group. Right now, I only have confirmation for Allie.
Chicago Trip - We will meet at the church at 8:30am and will return on the 6:22pm train. We will be going to Millennium Park to see the bean, late lunch at Gino's East, go to the top of the John Hancock and take a walk to look at the Christmas Windows at Macy's. (Heather also has some surprise stops on the way.) We should arrive back in Wheatfield by 8:30pm. (Note: it is possible that due to the weather we will catch an earlier train.) Cost is $30 per person.