Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What do you mean I went over my minutes?

Cell phones seem to be the root of most of the problems with today's society. People forget that there is a certain manners that comes along with cell phones. The cell phone companies have made the phones much smaller and made us think that they are much more affordable. Cell phones are used to save contacts with their important numbers. If anything happend to our cell phones would we be able to call for help? Do we know the number?

What is the good part of having a cell phone. It has made our children more accessible. We can call them find out if they are OK and where they are at. For a parent, this is a blessing. The phones have also been used to contact parents for rides or to ask permission to go somewhere. A parents dream right? Until they get the first cell phone bill with the extra charges because they went over the texting limits or have talked too long and surpassed the minutes allowed. During a youth group meeting we found out that combined as a group they have spent over $4000 in extra fees. $4000 are you kidding me!!!!!

In an effort to help the teens understand the effects they are having on a household we tried to explain what they could have done instead. Like $4000 would take a family of four to Disney world for 8 days, buy a nicer used car, or purchase a whole new wardrobe. But $4000 in today's world with the bad economy, we also explained that $4000 could mean a family would lose their home, lose their car, give up vacations and maybe even have to give up cable! We then challenged the teens to figure out what they services would they cut in order to save money.

In addition, people use the phones to talk to people while driving, eating at restaurants, and banking. Our church has even witnessed cell phones going off during Sunday Mass. People are even walking into shops and restaurants with the phone attached to their ear. It almost looks like they are talking to themselves. Why do they do it? Will you get a better table, bigger discount or better service because you look important?

I must admit that I even have fallen into the era of taking care of business with the cell phone. I have even told people that I am so busy that the only way to reach me is by my cell phone. When the phone rings in the car I begin searching for my purse to answer the call and realize that I am putting others in danger by taking my eyes off the road while driving. Besides nothing is that important that it can not wait five more minutes.

While growing up and attending college I learned that communication is the key to success. Success in friendship, relationships, in business and even with our neighbors. Even in church we learn that we need to talk to God through prayer. We also need to listen to HIM too. So starting in December we are going to work on communication. Youth group meetings are a time that we need to come together, get to know each other and realize that together with great communication we can do anything and solve any problem.

What would happen if tommorrow we did not have cell phones, cable, computers, internet and debit cards? Could we survive?

See you on Wednesday, 6:30pm.