Friday, November 21, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for.....

Welcome Chris! Third week in a row that we have seen new faces. AWESOME!

We opened the last meeting discussing things that we are most thankful for. The same response was heard over and over. They were thankful for their family, friends, relationships and gaming systems. Even the youth group made the list!

I am thankful for our traditions. I am thankful that Luz, Andrew and Judy have unconditionally offered to help out with the youth group. I am thankful that I have a home to keep me warm and a car to get me places. I am thankful for the teens in the youth group they actually give us purpose. The way they are excited to try new things, have discussions about school and actually want to stand up for what is right. I can not ask for a better group of kids.

I am thankful for my memories. Especially ones that are from my days in the youth group. I look back on those experiences and try to form the same group. I am thankful for the support that we are getting from the parents and the church. I am thankful for the donations that we have received.

November 30 is the start of the advent season. A time that we need to spend preparing for the coming of Christ. Instead we are witnesses of a season that causes everyone to go insane with wish lists. This season may be especially harder on people because of the financial times. This time should not be about the gifts and when can we go shopping. Our main focus should be to get ready for Christ.

I love to give and love to make people happy. This season make it very easy. But the most important that we can do is to make sure that we are following God's will. Showing people that we appreciate them and they have a greater purpose. Consentrating on the birth of Christ, the Savior of the world. Refocus on Jesus's greatest commandment to love one another.

We will not be meeting on Wednesday Nov. 26. Instead you and your family will have the chance to attend mass.

Please use this time to make a difference. Donate to the food pantry, help a family in need or take a envelope from the Jesse tree. During this time keep others in your prayers.