Friday, November 14, 2008

Youth Group has fun and gets exercise!

Welcome Jessica!

Once again the youth group had fun during the regular meeting. We talked, play Never Have I Ever, and played Grog and even the adult leaders were running around. Thanks to Jacob for bring the pizza! The pizza hit the spot.

The next meeting we need everyone to bring something to snack on. If it is a frozen pizza or anything to be kept in the fridge please write on it YOUTH GROUP. For everything else I am getting a container and going to write youth group on it. We will also be accepting donations of containers Kool-aid. It is much cheaper than pop. This way we can also make just enough for the everyone that makes it to the meetings.

Bring canned goods for the food pantry.

The Wednesday before Thanksgiving we will not have a meeting. It is too crazy before the holiday.

Also the parish council and Father are working on creating space for the youth group. Their suggestion is to put a wall toward the back of the hall and make that our space. We can't wait!